Saturday, September 17, 2011

What's the Point?

Once in a while, early Saturday morning, when I am the only one up in our house, and I am in the kitchen, puttering about between the toaster and kettle, I get these little ah-ha moments, where my inner philosophical mind-workings yield mini epiphanies, and sometimes, they are so staggering, that I have to record them, because maybe, I think there may be someone, like the children I know today, who may read them and use them to avoid the major pitfalls in life or arm themselves with these short-cuts if they ever find themselves wandering through the forests of despair.

This morning, I had one. And I thought it was a very good one to share on this blog. So, I made myself a coffee, turned on the computer, and could not remember how to log on, because it's been so long since I last blogged here. I did jot down the info somewhere, but I couldn't remember where I had put it, and after about an hour of fruitless keyboard attempts and of looking through my piles of notebooks for the login info, I finally sent off an e-mail to Anne Gomez, who has kept the original e-mail I sent her of the login info which I had set up. Then, it was time to make breakfast for the other members of the family and other Saturday morning tasks, like pulling out the oven to clean off the inch of dust and grease on its side, time for reading a couple of chapters from my latest Laugh Out Loud library book, and time for a nap (I did get up early this morning) before I checked my e-mail and got the info from AG.

But by now, I have completely forgotten the mind-boggling Meaning-of-Life observation I made this morning. Or, maybe, it wasn't even that good...

by MO

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